Clinic Terms and Conditions
In consideration of my attendance and participation in the clinics conducted at Alphas Run Club, I (for myself and my heirs) agree as follows:
I hereby waive, release and forever discharge Alphas Run Club and all persons involved in the management and/or conduct of the said clinic (including without limitation, their officers, employees and agents) (together the "Releasees") of and from all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, actions and causes of action in respect of death, injury, loss and/or damage to my person and/or property howsoever caused, rising or to arise by reason of my participation in the said clinic, whether as a spectator, participant or otherwise, whether prior to, during or subsequent to the said clinic and notwithstanding that same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of one or more of the Releasees.
Further, I hereby indemnify and save harmless the Releasees against and from all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, actions and causes of action of third parties in respect of death, injury, loss and/or damage to my person and/or property howsoever caused, arising or to arise reason of my participation in the said clinic, whether as a spectator, participant or otherwise, whether prior to, during or subsequent to the a/said clinic, and notwithstanding that same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of one or more of the Releasees.
I hereby assume the risk of running in traffic and any and all other risks associated with running with and otherwise participating in the said clinic including, without limitation, falls, contact with other participants, the effects of weather (including below freezing weather) and the effects of bad road conditions. I hereby attest/certify, that to the best of my knowledge, my physical condition is excellent and not less than that reasonably required to enable me to fully participate in the said clinic. Further, I hereby attest/certify that my said physical condition has been verified by a licensed medical doctor with in the immediately prior 90 day period and that such doctor was fully informed of the nature of the said clinic.
I hereby confirm that I have read this Participant's Agreement, Waiver, Release Form and confirm that I am participating in the said clinic at my own risk. I agree to have my photograph taken and displayed for advertising purposes for future Running Clinics at Alphas Run Club.